How I changed my life, career and bank account by merely crossing the Hudson.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Few of my Favorite Things

 As a crossovers we have a unique opportunity to see both sides of the operation. It's mind boggling how different it can be. Just the little things that have been created to assist f/as in their duties can make a world of difference in executing them. Take for instance this HHD holder, it rests on the side of the cart. How simple is that?
Or along the same lines, the sugar, napkins and stir stick holder. It rests on the other side of the cart. On international they place the lemons and limes and milk in here.
Now before you say "Why didn't I think of that?" Take a look at this;
This shelf is really fab. You place your coffee on it and use it as a work table to pour drinks.
When it comes to First Class the sugar container rests on the top of a container door allowing more work space.  
 And then there is the strap that is snapped over the port hole before arming the door. This adds another announcement " Prepare Doors for departure, verify Strap" etc. We're told arm the door top down, which means strap first than slide girt bar, disarm bottom up, slide girt bar than strap. Anyone looking in  can see a strap in place and knows the door is armed.
 Flash lights are located on the wall above the jumpseat. No need to worry about bending over in the dark, opening the door under the jumpseat and grasping the nearest flashlight.
 Be still my heart, there's a rubbish bin on the jetway in EWR.
...... a locked bin for f/a handbags and totes.
 Can you imagine.....Reserved For Flight Attendants?
  If you look closely you will see the the coffee makers all have plastic splash guards. 

Photo courtesy of Joyce Lynch
 This one blew me away. I had started the welcome aboard announcement and noticed one of the flight attendants pulled a clear plastic packet out of a cubby hole. I had to stop and ask "Is that the demo equipment?" It took me a minute to recover when I realized everything was packed nicely in a little bag. There was no more digging in a seat back pocket or searching an overhead bin for your equipment.

There is no doubt about it, I've died and gone to Flight Attendant heaven. I recently read the reconfiguration of the 767 on the S-UA side will include the fab S-CO bar cart. All I can say is, they are making some changes, and I think your going to like them!

All text and photos are property of Cross Checked and may not be used without permission.


  1. I'm glad to see that you are enjoying it. Have fun.

    Juwariah Owens. HTA ISM

  2. crossing over takes courage. So glad you're happy!

  3. @Juwariah, I am thrilled to be here, it's been a wonderful experience.
    @Rome, Thanks for visiting. All those little things are refreshing. I am looking forward to flying with everyone at S-CO.
    @DBlair, I'm so glad you gave the blog a look see.
